Any sensible entrepreneur knows how important it is to have a niche. And at the Connecting Women meeting in The Hague on Monday this week, we enjoyed the second annual Dragon’s Nest panel evening in which three local experts ‘dragons’ assisted four local ‘fledgling’ business owners with great advice. The dragons were Suzy Ogé of the Women’s Business Initiative, Stephanie Ward of Firefly Coaching and Sinead Hewson of Client Focused Coaching.
Each Fledgling had to make a short pitch, describing their business and explaining their specific issues before turning to the panel for advice. Niamh Ni Bhroin has just written a book called The Singing Warrior and accompanied it with a CD of her music and an audiobook version of the memoir. The book has now become her business and Niamh wanted advice. She has already got many things right. Her book title is her business name. Her website shares her business name. Her business cards are branded to fit her book cover. Her website does the same. Her pitch was the perfect example of an entrepreneur who has found their niche and who walk their talk. Why does this matter? Because it is only when we are clear about who we are and what we do that other people can be clear about who we are and what we do. Then, armed with that clarity, we know if we want to hire that person, or when to refer her to our friends. Take a look for yourself. Oh, and Niamh’s fabulous blog, that is another example of her walking her talk, can be found at The Singing Warrior of course. |
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December 2024