In the time since my last Inspirer I have been on holiday, leaving the Box Mountain created from our recent house move and exchanging that mountain for another – the mountain of the Acropolis in Athens on which the Parthenon stands.
On our first evening there, we could see the majestic Parthenon built in the 4th century BC. From the roof terrace of our hotel it looked stunning, lit up as it was against the night sky, and yet also far away. It was still frighteningly hot and so the thought of climbing that particular mountain in the relentless Greek sun seemed untenable. The next day, as early as we could make it, we began our climb and you know it was not as difficult nor as far as we had imagined. We took along bottles of water, hats and sunglasses and took it slowly, pausing along the way to admire the view. You know, in the end, it was less than half an hour from hotel room to summit. Our writing goals can often seem too far away, too difficult, impossible even, and so we hover in the foothills of our dreams, shuffling papers and feet and procrastinating. I believe that writing articles should be your first step towards your writing dreams, yes, even (or especially) if your actual goal is to write a full-length book. Articles are shorter, easier to place and a great way to build your portfolio and your confidence. In my experience it is really not that difficult to get published. At least not if start small, manage your expectations and are adequately prepared. Sharing what I know to help others to grow My motto is ‘sharing what I know to help others to grow’ and so I often find myself helping 17-year-olds to get articles published in the months prior to their writing their university applications. These youngsters come to me with no experience, no track record and no idea of how to do approach an editor. The goal of actually getting published seems impossible. But, with me to prepare them, guide them and manage their expectations they all start having great ideas and getting published within a matter of weeks. The Parthenon, as you know, has many pillars. Below, I list the things you need to take into account if you want to reach the top of your writing mountain. The six pillars for writing articles
In the week since I returned from holiday, I have watched six of my current mentees (three of them still at school) place articles and book reviews in three different publications. By adhering to the six pillars of success above they have climbed their mountains! With all best wishes for you and your own goals |
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December 2024