Writers are always on the look out for ideas.
Yesterday, I reminded you of the value of attending conferences – and how you can go ‘quote spotting’ to collect cool quotes from the presenters. Today, I’m going to re-remind you that one and add another – new books. When a book is freshly published its appearance makes good news. Not only could you write a book review, but you could also interview the author or write a feature based on the premise of the book and interview the author and mention the book in the article. Last month I went to the Women’s Business Initiative in Den Haag to hear a talk by Melody Biringer, the brains behind The Crave Companyand her latest publication ‘Crave Amsterdam’. Expatica asked me to cover the event for them, so I did, with pleasure. Read on to see how I did it and to glean some great tips for entrepreneurs, authors and publishers. Writers are always on the look out for ideas.
Yesterday, I reminded you of the value of attending conferences – and how you can go ‘quote spotting’ to collect cool quotes from the presenters. Today, I’m going to re-remind you that one and add another – new books. When a book is freshly published its appearance makes good news. Not only could you write a book review, but you could also interview the author or write a feature based on the premise of the book and interview the author and mention the book in the article. Last month I went to the Women’s Business Initiative in Den Haag to hear a talk by Melody Biringer, the brains behind The Crave Company and her latest publication ‘Crave Amsterdam’. Expatica asked me to cover the event for them, so I did, with pleasure. Read on to see how I did it and to glean some great tips for entrepreneurs, authors and publishers. This week I finished running my Definite Articles workshop and got such a buzz from doing what I love best: ‘sharing what I know to help others to grow’. I shared everything I have learned about writing and selling articles. I also offered to connect my students with the experts in my own network, should they need quotes from them for their features.
When you are a new writer you are unlikely to have the networks you need. I have a network of over 5000 in my address book and have the contact details of people who are an authority on every topic about which I write. I’m not simply ‘lucky’ though. No, I have built this network easily and quickly, by attending the best conferences I can and where experts give workshops and keynotes on the topics about which I am passionate. I take copious notes while these gurus are speaking and focus on what I call quote spotting. Yes, I collect the quotes these people say, make a note of who said this and when and where and then use them in my articles. Last week I attended my seventh WIN conference and came home with pages of fabulous quotes. If you want a glimpse of the kind of quotes you will hear at such a place take a look at this video below. If this doesn’t convince you of the value of attending yourself next October, I don’t know what will. The Global W.I.N.conference – The essence |
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December 2024