If you have been following my blog lately you will be aware that I am reporting on what I learned at a Book Promotion Seminar that took place earlier this month in London. Stephanie Hale, who runs RichWriterPoorWriter was our final speaker, and here I would like to share with you her tips for making your book into an Amazon bestseller. Stephanie has written many books, with Millionaire Women, Millionaire You being her most recent.
‘As a rule, if you manage to sell 100 books in a day, that will give you Amazon bestseller status,’ Stephanie explained. Many books never sell more than 500 copies – ever. What follows is her method for ensuring that a book reaches bestseller status. ‘There are many benefits to being a bestselling author,’ Stephanie continued. ‘You achieve expert status, you can add the phrase ‘bestselling author’ to your PR, you get invited to speak at events and the more readers you have, the more opportunities arise to build your contact list. Once those people are in your list, you can then sell more products to them.’ 12 Steps to Amazon Bestseller Status
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September 2024